Facebook Hires Top Ex-Google Executive For Internet Projects

Facebook Hires Top Ex-Google Executive For Internet Projects

Facebook, The social networking giant has hired a co-founder of Google’s Fiber high-speed Internet project, aiming to make stronger Facebook’s internet connectivity team—to bring internet access to more places around the globe.

According to tech news site Re/Code, Facebook has hired Kevin Lo as its Director of Infrastructure Connectivity and Investments to help lead Facebook's partnerships such as Terragraph - a project to bring Wi-Fi to dense urban areas and Facebook's partnership with Microsoft to construct a fiber optic cable.

Later Lo confirmed his appointment on his Facebook Page, saying that he wishes to bring onboard over four billion people who lag behind in terms of using high-speed Internet services.

"...so I'm excited to let you know I'm joining Facebook this month as Director of Infrastructure Connectivity and Investments. I'll help shape our strategy and investments with partners to build wireless technologies and ecosystems that improve global connectivity," he wrote.

According to Report, the Facebook has taken Kevin Lo to handle company’s new projects like fibre-optic cable contract with Terragraph and Microsoft—to bring well connectivity to thickly populated urban areas.

Facebook has established that neither the company will be putting any money into becoming an internet service provider—like Google Fibre nor that Lo will work on Free Basics.

Lo has been with Google since 2010, where he co-founded the company’s fiber project, along with managing its business, product, and operations. He resigns Google in 2015, shortly before its reorganization in August.

This is the second time Facebook has made a high-profile hire from Google, the first being Regina Dugan, who earlier ran the search engine’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) division.

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