Are you looking for Data? Get Through Google Dataset Search

Are you looking for Data? Get here from Google Dataset Search.

Dataset Search has indexed almost 25 million of these datasets, giving you a single place to search for datasets and find links to where the data is.

What is Dataset Search?

In Dataset Search, the Google added new features. You can now filter the results based on the types of dataset that you want (e.g., tables, images, text), or whether the dataset is available for free from the provider. If a dataset is about a geographic area, you can see the map.

The Dataset search is structured Data Metadata that uses format. The Google takes the data and link it to knowledge graph.

Now it is available on mobile and Google has improved the quality of dataset descriptions.

To enable easy access to this data, We launched Dataset Search, so that scientists, data journalists, data geeks, or anyone else can find the data required for their work and their stories, or simply to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, said Natasha Roy, Research Scientist, Google AI.

How To search Data?

Go to direct link here

For direct query link as below[Your Keyword]

Like Example-

Like we have search about Gadgets Data

Google AI also learned how many different types of people look for data. There are academic researchers, finding data to develop their hypotheses (e.g., try oxytocin), students looking for free data in a tabular format, covering the topic of their senior thesis (e.g., try incarceration rates with the corresponding filters), business analysts and data scientists looking for information on mobile apps or fast food establishments, and so on.

"There is data on all of that! And what do our users ask? The most common queries include "education," "weather," "cancer," "crime," "soccer," and, yes, "dogs"."

Dataset Search also gives us a snapshot of the data out there on the Web. Here are a few highlights. The largest topics that the datasets cover are geosciences, biology, and agriculture. The majority of governments in the world publish their data and describe it with

 The technology behind Google Dataset Search

The United States leads in the number of open government datasets available, with more than 2 million. And the most popular data formats? Tables–you can find more than 6 million of them on Dataset Search.

The number of datasets that you can find in Dataset Search continues to grow. If you have a dataset on your site and you describe it using, an open standard, others can find it in Dataset Search.

Google AI also released multiple languages QA Dataset

Question answering technologies help people on a daily basis, when faced with a question, such as “Is squid ink safe to eat?”, users can ask a voice assistant or type a search and expect to receive an answer, said Jonathan Clark, Research Scientist, Google Research.

To encourage research on multilingual question-answering, the Google released TyDi QA, a question answering corpus covering 11 Typologically Diverse languages.

Source: Google

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