Microsoft Windows8 Pro And Surface Tablet Unveils.

Microsoft Windows8 Pro and Surface Tablet Unveils. The screen of surface is 16:9 ratio with display 1920*1080 for watching HD movies and play the games. In Surface Tablet camera is both sides front and rear cameras with 720 HD LifeCams.. Its rear camera is angled 22 degree upwards so when is resting on the kickstand the camera looks straight. just click and share with social media and emails. whereas touch cover meets keyboard, its measuring just only 3mm and less weigh. If you want to send the large files then plug into hard drive and drag to the system. Now you can upload music, movies  the micro SD card slot will gives you upto 64 GB of extra storage and will show by using HD video outport.

Its has Wi-Fi 802.11 and Bluetooth Connectivity, Battery 42 Wh. Its running on processor Intel Core i5 Processor with intel HD graphics 4000 with 4Gb RAM, Apps include in Surface Tablet are windows mail and Messaging, SkyDrive, IE 10, Bing, XBox Music, Video and Games.

 Sync your files and share your work through Sky drive accounts. Play latest games, TV shows, music with passion to get free access to millions of songs that you can instantly stream to your surface with XBox Music. Also you can find exciting apps from Windows store. At present Surface Tablet is available with Windows 8 Pro. As few days before Apple also had launched iPad Mini, so lets see who will give better performance in the market.

Source: Microsoft

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